Since I was small, I've had a huge love for graphic design. With experience in branding, logos, and creating commissioned pieces, my past experience as a graphic designer informs my design decisions in all my projects. Below are selected works.

Django Reinhardt Google Doodle (Illustrator + Photoshop + After Effects)

I Don't Think - The Free Label

Cherry Wine - Grent Perez

The Sun is in Your Eyes - Jacob Collier

Lady - Ohashi Trio

Out of Time - The Weeknd

Crescent Moon - Conor Albert

Project assets (Illustrator)

A familiar childhood scene (Vectary)

Thunderbird & Snowy Owl (Illustrator)


I love fooling around with code to make fun, interesting things. I explore things like HTML, CSS, Javascript, p5, matter, and AR/VR to test my creative limits and keep up-to-date on emerging technologies.

Interactive noodle pachinko (matter.js, p5.js)

AR Gatekeepers (Vectary)

Coded music education tool (html/css/js + asset creation + interaction design)


I'm also a practicing jazz musician in Toronto, playing in a variety of ensembles across the city. I'm consistently collaborating with other creatives. Below is a small collection of music that I've composed.